QS conquering the regions

Officially, Québec solidaire is now in “listening mode”. The party wishes to go to “regions” in order to understand why those who live there remain globally indifferent, or even hostile, to its message.

• Read also: QS wants to avoid the ‘orange taxes’ label

But will the people of QS really go into this campaign with their ears wide open, ready to accept that smart people don’t vote like them?


Or do they go there in the spirit of the radical left version of Jehovah’s Witnesses, to explain to beggars, hicks and hicks their “good news”, in the mode “wake up”!

Who seriously believes them capable of the humility sufficient to listen to refractory voters without immediately scolding them because they think “wrong”?

Too many analysts are convinced that the distance between QS and the vast majority of Quebecers is explained by the economic positions of the party.


Certainly, the authoritarian neo-socialism of QS has nothing to please ordinary mortals. But the economy does not explain everything.

The real tension is elsewhere, in the “identity” positions of QS, in its woke positioning, if you prefer.

Quebecers, on the whole, are allergic to the more than favorable prejudice of QS towards “reasonable accommodation”.

They want to shut down Roxham and don’t like being called xenophobes.

They want to reduce immigration and don’t see why they should be accused of racism for it.


They are fed up with the theory of systemic racism and are tired of being told that all they have to do is open their minds to embrace it.

They oppose “positive discrimination” in which they rightly see a form of racism against the majority and are revolted by the idea that certain positions are automatically prohibited for evil white men.

So, let’s ask it again: is QS really ready to challenge his highly dogmatic worldview on the matter? I doubt.

source site-64