False croup (laryngotracheitis)


What is it about ?

False croup is an inflammation of part of the airways (the larynx). The cause is viral. This condition causes a cough hoarse and a feeling of tightness.

The disease can come on quickly and progress as “fits”. Usually, a seizure does not last more than an hour or two. False croup almost always heals spontaneously. It is only in rare cases that its evolution can be qualified as serious, with breathing difficulties pronounced.

What is its frequency?

False croup is common and mainly affects young children (6 months to 3 years). False croup is rather exceptional after the age of 5.

How to recognize it?

Inflammation of the larynx interferes with the passage of air during breathing. Breathing is wheezy and often more difficult. A barking cough and hoarseness are characteristic of the disease.

The “seizures” occur mainly in the evening and at night. The child may be anxious. The difficulty in breathing can indeed give him a feeling of oppression.

In addition, the child may have other cold-related complaints, such as a sore throat, stuffy nose, or runny nose.

A mild fever is also possible. If the fever does not go away or is very high, it could possibly be pneumonia or tracheitis.

How is the diagnosis made?

In the presence of a classic false croup, the doctor should not perform additional tests to make his diagnosis. If he does not suspect any complications, a blood test or an x-ray of the lungs is not necessary.

To assess the severity of breathing problems, the doctor will pay particular attention to the child’s difficulty in breathing and the use of auxiliary respiratory muscles (between the ribs, in the neck).

What can you do ?

A first attack of false croup is often distressing for parents.
But it is important to remain calm and calm the child. Without surrounding stress, breathing will improve. Pay attention to what pleases your child.
It is better for the child to stand up straight.

Here is what you can do:

  • distract the child with a soft toy or toy,
  • ensure that the room is ventilated and the air sufficiently humid (e.g. near an open window, with fresh outside air),
  • lock yourself up with the child eg. in the bathroom and let the hot water for the shower or bath run.

There is no scientific proof that the steam helps in any way, but it can calm the child and distract their attention. Never add substances like menthol to the spray.

If the fever persists or if symptoms do not improve, contact the doctor again.

What can your doctor do?

Usually, no treatment is necessary. The disease resolves spontaneously. Antibiotics, inhalers, or cough medicine are useless.

Severe forms with pronounced breathing problems may require cortisone or adrenaline in inhaled form.
Sometimes a short hospital stay is necessary.

Want to know more?


Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Laryngitis in children’ (2000), updated on 05.12.2016 and adapted to the Belgian context on 01.07.2017 – ebpracticenet


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