the European Union wishes to continue the debate



France 3

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While waiting for the improvement of vaccination coverage in France, which is 75.4%. If the last refractories are hard to convince, Austria and soon Germany have opted for a radical solution: compulsory vaccination, which continues to divide in Europe.

In Austria, compulsory vaccination will come into force in two months. If Germany has not yet set a date, it is affirming its desire to put it into effect. In Greece, the vaccine is already compulsory for people over sixty. It is impossible to ignore the debate which is shaking Europe. “How can we encourage and think about compulsory vaccination within the European Union? This needs to be discussed”, indignant the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

In France, the vaccination rate is 75%, a figure considered too low to achieve collective immunity. Some specialists do not recommend compulsory vaccination, but a more restrictive health pass. “People who do not have a vaccination pass will not be able to go to work, will not be able to travel, will not be able to go to shows and will almost be forced to stay at home”, explains epidemiologist Yves Buisson, for whom these strict measures are necessary for a rapid result.


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