franceinfo junior. World AIDS Day

Pauline Duverger, head of prevention for the Solidarité SIDA association, answers children’s questions.

Article written by

Benjamin Fontaine, Cécile Ribault Caillol – franceinfo

Radio France



Reading time : 1 min.

Wednesday December 1 and on the occasion of World AIDS Day, Pauline Duverger, head of prevention for the Solidarité SIDA association, answers questions from students in CM2 classes at Picpus elementary school. in Paris.

How did AIDS start?“, and “Can AIDS be caught easily?“, asks Isaac, 10, first. Then Rose, 10, wonders:”Apparently it’s a very serious disease, why don’t we have a vaccine for AIDS?” and “Phave we been treated for AIDS?“. Finally Tsering wants to know: “What are the signs that you have AIDS?”

On this page, listen to all the children’s questions and this franceinfo junior program.

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