Brossard | Residential property taxes up 3.9%

Residential property taxes will increase by an average of 3.9% in Brossard next year, City Hall announced on Tuesday.

The municipal budget of 212 million has just been adopted by local elected officials.

“Brossard’s real estate activity is holding up and allows us to plan for an increase in transfer taxes in our budget, which is good news in itself,” said Mayor Doreen Assaad in a press release. “The economic situation in which we are plunged, with the rate of inflation which greatly affects taxpayers, has forced us to show the greatest rigor. »

In the coming years, Brossard plans to build an intergenerational community center and begin major waterworks and repair work on Grande-Allée Boulevard.

“We have adopted the best measures to respect our citizens’ ability to pay while maintaining the quality of services they are entitled to expect,” said Mayor Assaad. “Our challenge was to reconcile financial rigor with our responsibility to realize our vision and build the Brossard of tomorrow. »

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