a crisis that could last



Article written by

G. De Florival, C. De La Guérivère, MA. Belderrain, N. Leydier, L. Barbier, N. Sadok – France 2

France Televisions

For weeks, the French have observed the rise in energy prices. The government has put in place several measures to deal with these increases.

This is a problem that has worried many French people for several weeks. Energy prices are on the rise in the country. Faced with this, the government reacted: the price of gas is blocked until the end of 2022, the increase in electricity is limited to 4% and inflation compensation has been set up in particular to help the population face the explosion in fuel prices. But the government could face an energy crisis that lasts longer than expected.

If the global economy and businesses pick up, demand for energy soars, pushing up prices. Some specialists predict a crisis that could last through the winter, even if gray areas persist. “The uncertainties relate mainly to global demand, the pace of global economic growth, especially in Asia, especially in China, but not only “, Jacques analysis Percebois, professor emeritus at the University of Montpellier (Herault). He also adds that there is another factor of uncertainty with “the pandemic which can have an impact on energy demand”.

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