Daniel Guichard worried about the future of France, the famous singer wants to do battle “I will have to defend myself…”

This Tuesday, November 15, 2022, Daniel Guichard was the guest of Cyril Hanouna on the set of TPMP to talk about “living together” in France. Worried about the current situation, the singer had revealed, on November 13 during an interview for the YouTube channel “Les Incorruptibles”, to have ” join a shooting club “. Words that had not failed to react. To support his statements, the interpreter of “La Tendresse” had taken as an example the father who beat up a teenager suspected of having sexually assaulted his 6-year-old daughter. ” Maybe I would have slaughtered the aggressor more. Am I violent? No. There is a moment when you say to yourself: we take you by the shoulders, we take you to the police. The police will tell you ‘are you really sure you want to file a complaint? Not that we don’t want to, but that it’s useless. In an hour he’s out and he’s gonna spit on us “, he had explained.

“The fear that is starting to be everywhere”

A way of thinking with which Gilles Verdez does not agree. Far from proving the artist right, the columnist of C8’s flagship show thinks, on the contrary, that you shouldn’t do yourself justice. To which Daniel Guichard replied: “ We are not going to systematically say to ourselves that we are in a world of Care Bears. […] If someone crosses the wall of my house to hurt mine […] I’ll end up in jail, but he’ll never walk through the wall again. If I was in a situation where frankly the lives of my loved ones are in danger, I think my reaction would be desperate, too bad for the other “. He still deplores a change in society. ” It’s a way of thinking that I didn’t have a few years ago “, he added before continuing: “ I’m worried. What Gilles was saying about the potential for militias is also about the fear that is beginning to be everywhere, and accidents will happen and they won’t necessarily happen with weapons, but with kitchen knives, with senseless things. A very lively debate.


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