Elisabeth Borne believes that this “is not the right way”

The Prime Minister, who was invited on BFMTV on Monday evening, is not in favor of “forcing the French” to reduce their speed to 110 km / h on the motorway.

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“I think this is the wrong way.” The Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne refused, on the evening of Monday November 14, during a program devoted to the climate on BFMTV, to impose a drop in speed to 110 km / h on the motorways. The government has already asked in recent weeks, as part of the energy sobriety plan, that civil servants reduce their speed from 130 to 110 km / h when using service or company vehicles.

“We also have people who need to travel on the motorway and who have time constraints”, said Elisabeth Borne. “It’s important to inform about the savings we can make by driving slower, about the interest that this can have in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but we cannot operate all of a sudden. prohibitions”she added. “The challenge is to respond to the height, to take strong measures and at the same time not to fracture society, not to leave people without solutions”insisted the head of government.

The Prime Minister also affirmed to move, “as soon as possible, by train” before specifying that his “fairly heavy constraints” diary prevented him from completely avoiding the plane, a major emitter of greenhouse gases.

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