Former Hockey Canada CEO to appear

Former Hockey Canada President and CEO Bob Nicholson will appear before the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage on Tuesday.

Nicholson has been part of the Edmonton Oilers’ management since 2014 and served as president of the Alberta squad since 2019.

He was called to appear before the parliamentary committee as part of an investigation into Hockey Canada.

The Canadian sports federation has been in turmoil for several months over its handling of sexual assault allegations against players from its former junior teams, including the 2018 men’s team.

An investigation was triggered after it was learned that the organization quietly settled a lawsuit with a woman who alleged she was sexually assaulted by members of the 2018 Junior Men’s Team at the Hockey Canada Gala in London, Utah. Ontario that year.

Additionally, the Halifax Police Department is investigating an alleged sexual assault involving members of the 2003 junior team that allegedly occurred in Nova Scotia. None of these allegations have been proven in court.

Nicholson was the head of Hockey Canada from 1998 to 2014.

Pat McLaughlin, a senior vice-president at Hockey Canada, is also scheduled to appear before the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage on Tuesday.

Hockey Canada’s scrutiny tightened when it was revealed that the organization was using a secret compensation fund totaling millions of dollars, mostly from player membership fees, for uninsured payments, including the settlement of sexual abuse claims.

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