an area near the Meroux-Moval TGV station for its future performance center?

Will FC Sochaux Montbéliard settle in the Territoire de Belfort? Not to play his matches there, which remain at Bonal, but to set up his future performance center there. This is the big project of the club and Nenking, its Chinese shareholder: to build a huge complex of at least 20 million euros which would bring together all sporting and administrative activities in one place. According to our information, the FCSM would be very interested in acquiring land located opposite the 1st Artillery Regiment of Bourogne, in the Territory of Belfort, more precisely, in the area known as the Plutons.

A real interest of the FCSM

The Plutons area is a former ammunition depot that the 1st RA transferred to Grand Belfort a long time ago. With an area of ​​approximately 90 hectares, it is located above the TGV station Meroux-Moval and opposite the military barracks of Bourogne. Today, the site is largely transformed into a clearing. The Sochaux leaders have even met certain actors in the file very recently to get a more precise idea of ​​the place and its operating capacities. We would talk with a sale price of around 5 million euros.

Nothing acted

This performance center would host, in fact, all the activities of the club: training of professionals and residents of the current training center, accommodation of young people and administrative infrastructure. In addition, if this performance center project sees the light of day, the current training center ofseloncourt would only host the women’s section of the FCSM. Once again, for the time being, this is only an interest for this area of ​​the Plutons, but a very real interest for Sochaux. Contacted today, the management of the FCSM does not comment on or confirm the information. The sporting, financial and political subject is sufficiently sensitive for everyone to really take the time to reflect.

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