the Minister of Health triggers the national emergency plan at the hospital, planned for exceptional situations

Emergency room visits and hospitalizations have reached unprecedented levels, according to the results of Public Health France. This epidemic is hitting pediatric emergency services hard.

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The bronchiolitis epidemic is of unprecedented virulence this year. This is why the Minister of Health, François Braun, announced on Wednesday, November 9, the triggering of the national plan provided for in exceptional health situations in all French hospitals. This decision needs each region additional resources, while pediatric services are already suffering the consequences of an influx of patients.

“I decided this morning, in addition to everything that was already mobilized, to trigger the Orsan plan (organization of the response of the health system in exceptional health situations) specific to this epidemic”he told the Senate. This measure should “further strengthen the means of the regional health agencies (ARS) and allow the entire hospital to focus on this particularly acute problem today”.

Noting a “continued increase” indicators “despite a shift in connection with the Toussaint school holidays”Public Health France has pointed to “very high number of emergency room visits and hospitalizations for bronchiolitis and at levels higher than those observed at epidemic peaks for more than 10 years”in its weekly report.

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