Older voters… and whiter

Voters who went to the polls on Tuesday were on the whole older and whiter than people who voted in the last midterm elections in 2018.

Posted at 1:12 a.m.

Nicolas Berube

Nicolas Berube
The Press

This year, about one in ten voters were under 30, while about a third of the electorate was 65 or older. Four years ago, about 13% of voters were under 30, and about 26% were 65 or older, according to preliminary national results from the exit poll conducted by Edison Research for CNN.

Additionally, white voters with college degrees made up about 40% of the electorate on Tuesday, up from 31% four years ago. In all, some 76% of voters in the midterm elections this year were white, and about 24% were members of an ethnic minority. By comparison, at the last US Census of 2020, 60% of Americans were white, while 40% were from an ethnic minority.

Hispanic voters

In the United States, Hispanics are the second most populous demographic group: 19% of the population identify with them. Historically, Democrats have been popular with Latinos, and they still are, even if the margin is narrowing.

According to a recent survey washington post-Ipsos, Democrats have a 27-point advantage with voters who identify as Hispanic, a significant drop from the nearly 40-point advantage the party had in 2018.

And the cliché that Hispanics care most about migration policies no longer holds: This year, the topic was ninth on their minds, far behind the economy, which is number one, according to a Pew Research Center poll.

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