Fire in Gironde: the forest is still burning underground


Article written by

France 3 Aquitaine: D. Salles, S. Tuscq-Mounet, F. Dumont – France 3

France Televisions

In Gironde, the fire is still smoldering. In Hostens, even if the flames are no longer visible, the forest continues to burn, underground. The situation worries the mayor.

Two and a half months after the resumption of the fire, the fire is burning more than ever, in the basement, in Hostens (Gironde). The mayor of the town, Jean-Louis Dartiailh, has banned access to the Lac du Bousquet forest.There is the risk of falling trees and the famous risk of falling into a lignite furnace where the person will be burned instantly.“, he explains. Today, the ground can open at any moment on a fire burning at 600 degrees.

Once the lignite burns, it will undermine all the ground and then when all the lignite burns, the earth will split open.”deplores Jean-Louis Dartiailh. The ground of an old mountain bike track was thus stolen. It will take a lot of rain to put out the Hostens underground fire. Lignite can continue to burn in an environment containing 75% humidity.

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