Shakira humiliated by Gérard Piqué: These (huge) gains that he still receives thanks to her!

After twelve years of love, Shakira and Gérard Piqué officially announced their separation on June 4, 2022. In question? The many infidelities of the Barça footballer who would have already settled with the very young Clara Chia Marti, a 23-year-old young woman working in one of his many companies. Collapsed since this painful breakup, the singer has a lot of trouble supporting her ex-husband, especially since she has now become aware of all the benefits she could have brought him during their marriage. “I was running for a person that didn’t even walk for me“, she had thus declared. Words that do not necessarily sound false…

Shakira, a woman who is worth gold

Indeed, during their meeting at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, the athlete will start juicy contracts in the field of sport-business. Already founder of Kerad Holdinga company he manages with his father Joan, the company experienced unexpected success following the formalization of his relationship with the singer to such an extent that he founded his own online game development company a year later. , Kerad Games. Unfortunately, these 2 companies are collapsing at the moment due to Covid-19.

Building on his success and notoriety, the sportsman met the superstar streamer Ibai Llanos in 2021 with whom he founded his own esports team, called KOI.

Aware of the success of his wife, the footballer also decides to open with her a luxury restaurant on a Barcelona beach in 2018. “The same year, Piqué acquired 99% of the shares of FC Andorra, then in the fifth Spanish division, and purge the club of its debt of 200,000 euros“, reveals the newspaper The Independent. And to continue:In May 2022, FC Andorra joined the Spanish D2, becoming the first foreign team to participate in a professional championship in Spain..”

A masterstroke

Very creative, the footballer also took advantage of a dinner organized thanks to Shakira in 2017 to befriend a leader of the Japanese e-commerce giant Rakuten. A “stroke of genius“which will allow Gérard Piqué to found”a sports and entertainment company called Kosmos.”

A year later, Kosmos acquires the Davis Cup in exchange for 2.5 billion euros over 25 years“adds our colleagues. Unfortunately a scandal broke out in April 2022,”Kosmos received €24m in commissions for helping the Spanish Federation (RFEF) organize the Spanish Super Cup in Saudi Arabia.” A bad buzz which has not, however, extinguished the ambitions of Gérard Piqué who hopes to obtain a future position within the presidency of FC Barcelona…

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