Pedaling in the tunnel | The duty

At a time when we are wondering about the lack of preparation of the Ministère des Transports (MTQ) with regard to the development of adequate plans B to compensate for the partial closure of the Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine tunnel, we can wonder why we did not consider opening the escape tunnel to cyclists. The idea will make some smile, but, faced with the prospect of facing daily traffic jams for three years, many motorists would certainly be tempted to take up a bicycle, possibly electric, to cross the river. So far, the vague objections formulated by the MTQ seem very minor. Control equipment is located in this tunnel? We could surely secure them in locked cabinets! Is the tunnel used to evacuate accident victims? However, you manage to clear the street of your bike to give way to an ambulance or a fire truck! Of course, it would be necessary to build a ramp linking the surface cycle network to the underground level, but the costs and the effort required could prove to be small compared to the gain. Faced with the magnitude of the mobility problem that is looming, imagination is in order. Will Geneviève Guilbault have this audacity or will she only be the minister of the third link?

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