Quebec lists nine other deaths linked to COVID-19

Health authorities reported nine new deaths from COVID-19 on Friday, as well as a drop in hospitalizations.

The disease continues to claim victims in Quebec day after day. According to the latest report, nine Quebecers with the disease have lost their lives, including one in the last 24 hours.

Five deaths date back to two to seven days, and three to more than seven days. Since the start of the pandemic, 17,086 people have died.

Older Quebecers still account for the vast majority of deaths; among the victims identified, more than 88% were aged 70 or over.

Hospitalizations continue their yoyo game of recent weeks. On Friday, 37 fewer patients were hospitalized in connection with COVID-19, for a total of 1,907 hospitalizations, including 647 due to the disease.

In intensive care, 54 people were treated, including 35 specifically for COVID-19, an increase of two.

More than 3,800 healthcare workers are currently on sick leave.

The authorities have also recorded 914 new cases, but this data is incomplete, because access to screening centers is restricted to priority clienteles. On the rapid test side, 160 were recorded on Thursday, including 145 that are positive.

Thursday, 21,332 Quebecers received a dose of vaccine. According to the latest assessment, 26% of adults have received a dose of vaccine for less than five months. Nearly 22 million injections have been administered in total.

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