“France is ready to welcome” the migrants from the Ocean Viking “like any other country”, says the Minister of Solidarity

“France is ready to welcome” the 234 migrants rescued in the Mediterranean Sea by the ship Ocean Viking, “like any country”says Friday 4 November on franceinfo the Minister of Solidarity Jean-Christophe Combe. It is, according to him, a “question of humanity”. “A port in Europe or in France must be able to accommodate them, so that we can treat them”launches Jean-Christophe Combe. “We are not going to let them die in the middle of the Mediterranean, we are not going to let them drift”laments the Minister of Solidarity.

>> Racist remarks by deputy RN Grégoire de Fournas: what are the sanctions provided for by the regulations of the National Assembly?

Jean-Christophe Combe accuses the RN of giving “the impression that these migrants are on a cruise” whereas they “are in mortal danger”, “in an absolutely appalling humanitarian situation”. The Minister of Solidarity wants to show that the position of the government is different from that of the National Rally and its deputy from Gironde Grégoire de Fournas.

During Questions to the government on Thursday, the latter launched “that he(they) return(s) to Africa“, while LFI deputy Carlos Martens Bilongo challenged the executive on its policy of aid to migrants. “unbearable” and which fall “pure racism”, protests Jean-Christophe Combe this Friday. He wants the office of the National Assembly “take an extremely firm sanction” against MP RN. “Racist remarks have no place in our society, in the National Assembly, it’s even worse than anywhere else, even if everywhere, it’s unacceptable”adds the Minister.

The Minister for Solidarity believes that “the strategy of the National Notability Rally cracked yesterday”. He denounces the attitude of Marine Le Pen who “defends” Grégoire de Fournas and therefore “defend the indefensible”. Jean-Christophe Combe recalls that the National Rally is “heir to the National Front” and that the history of the party “show” his racism. “VSIt is not because we put on a tie in the National Assembly, that we try to stand on the benches of the Assembly, that there is not this background conveyed by its policies “he gets carried away.

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