Megasite of the tunnel: not-so-simple plans B to avoid chaos

On the eve of the major tunnel construction site, many motorists were still racking their brains to find their “plan B” and avoid hell. The option they have chosen is not always as simple as what the government is proposing. Here are the testimonials The newspaper has collected.

• Read also: Everything you need to know about the megasite

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She rents a place to sleep

No way for Sylvie Lepage to endure tunnel traffic for three years.

The days when she works, the paramedic will leave her spouse and her grown children in the Sainte-Julie sector to sleep and take a shower in the basement of one of her colleagues in Montreal.

“I hadn’t budgeted for that. My house has been paid for for thirty years. I will have to pay for the restaurant, it will be added to the expenses, ”explains the one who has worked for 37 years at Urgences-santé.

It remains that she prefers this option. “Yesterday it took me an hour and a half to get home. After twelve-hour shifts in an ambulance, you’re tired. You have to sleep, keep your eyes open the next day”, says the one who punches from 5:45 a.m. and is regularly asked to work overtime.

The health worker would be ready to sleep on inflatable mattresses in the Urgences-santé offices rather than go through hell in the tunnel.

But this first plan B could not last long. “If it’s too messy, it’s early retirement, that’s clear,” she said.

Three times longer by bus

François Lemire, who lives in Sainte-Julie and runs a vocational training center in Montreal’s east end, calculated that it would take him 1.5 hours to get home by public transit, a trip that takes him 29 minutes by car, even with traffic.

“Shuttles between the South Shore and Radisson are going well. It is in the east of Montreal that it blocks. Everyone knew that it was a poor relation of public transport and no one did anything, ”he laments.

The ABCs of Parking

Photo QMI Agency, Thierry Laforce

Night nurse at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, Marie-Noëlle Bourduas apprehends the morning traffic heading south, with only one lane open.

The Longueuilloise thought she would leave her car at the Mortagne incentive parking lot overnight to take a free shuttle to the Radisson metro station.

The problem is that she will have to make a request each time to the Réseau de transport de Longueuil (RTL). There is no simpler solution than to contact the customer relations centre, he was told.

“A plan B, I don’t have that many. I will do as François Legault says: “We will see and we adjust”, sighs the health worker.

A puzzle even from the North Shore

Bad luck: Michelle Dunn, usually teleworking, has to go from Repentigny to the University Institute for Mental Health in Montreal on D-Day to solve a computer problem.

She doesn’t have to take the tunnel, but she still fears the overflows on highways 25 and 40. “My boss was understanding, I’m going to leave home after dinner at 12:30 p.m. I still look if there are small streets that I can take, ”she testifies.

Return to car

Hélène Longtin has given up on her plan B.

“I tried public transit on Friday, it took me 1h30 to go and 2h20 to come back,” says the resident of Saint-Amable, who works at the Port of Montreal.

The trips are all the more difficult to plan as she knows her schedule and the place where she will be dispatched to 26 kilometers of shore only the day before.

For her, the car therefore remains the simplest and least time-consuming option.

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