dozens of contract workers without pay two months after the start of the school year

Among the 40,000 contractors on which theEnational education to compensate for unfilled positions or, for example, replacements, there are several dozen who still have not been paid, two months after the start of the school year.

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In the Yvelines high school where Elisabeth teaches, a dozen contract workers like her, among the 44,000 listed by National Education, did not receive their first pay at the end of September, and therefore find themselves without a salary since the start of the school year.

>> “I was offered a job on the day of the new school year”: how contract teachers “fill the holes” in theEnational education

Their common point: they have just arrived in the establishment at the start of the school year. “It’s still a little discouraging, she sighs. So, I have to see on my account if I have enough reserves to pay my rent. And then ask my parents to help me, to manage on my side. While I took a job to be self-sufficient, I find myself still not being self-sufficient.”

Elisabeth alerted the rectorate: her file is blocked because she taught before in another academy: that of Paris, which did not send a document necessary for the processing of her file. Contacted, the rectorate of Paris evokes an isolated case. Not far away, in the Créteil academy, where Aude is a teacher, the union of the latter, the Sgen-CFDT, received a dozen alerts from unpaid contract workers. “It’s about, she explains, people who have worked for years for the rectorate of Créteil, who sometimes have their contracts terminated due to the summer, or because their services are no longer needed….”

“When they return to see the rectorate, supposed to have information, after their end of contract, there is no continuity. However, this is not understandable!”

Aude, teacher

at franceinfo

The rectorate explains in particular that there is a delay of six weeks between the signing of their contract and their first pay. In the meantime, contract workers can request emergency aid or a salary advance.

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