Food: stock-outs are increasing in supermarkets




Article written by

M.Justet, A.Dupont, M.Cazaux, L.Poinsatte, E.Noël – France 2

France Televisions

On the shelves of supermarkets, stock-outs of food products are increasing. Rising energy costs, global warming… The reasons for these shortages, which usually only last a few weeks, are manifold.

Poor harvests for potatoes, fewer rice exports, repeated epidemics for poultry, fridges too expensive to operate: here are some of the reasons why supermarket shelves are running out of stock up to 10%, five times more than usual, according to a major retailer. For a manager of a retail chain, guaranteeing the supply of each department has become complicated.

Latest example, rice. “The manufacturers who supply us inform us that, for transport reasons, we could have tensions”explains Thiery Destrainspokesperson for Système U. Chicory could also disappear overnight, because too many expensive to manufacture because of the energy crisis. Costs that increase with the war in Ukraine, but also because of other phenomena such as global warming. But stock shortages are often temporary with, in most cases, products returning to the shelves after a few weeks.

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