a bill embarrasses the majority, which will not give voting instructions

The debate was launched on Tuesday, October 25, in the morning, during the group meeting of Macronist deputies in the National Assembly. According to information from franceinfo, there will be no instructions on this bill by deputy Aymeric Caron (Nupes) aimed at banning bullfighting but total freedom to vote. “I do not see myself twisting the arm of a colleague from Gers or Landes”, entrusts a senior strategist, to spare the susceptibilities. Consequence: several Renaissance deputies are ready to vote for the ban, even if it is proposed by a deputy from Nupes. “If they believe that the allies are at La France Insoumise, fine”quips a minister, mad with rage.

Because in the government, the violins are not really tuned. There are two camps. Some embarrassed by the subject and especially influential pro-corrida ministers. Eric Dupond-Moretti, the Minister of Justice, Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture or Geneviève Darrieusecq, Minister Delegate in charge of Disability, elected Landes and former mayor of Mont de Marsan. Proof that the divide is ethical, cultural, and also geographical.

“It’s an explosive subject, which makes you blow up a dinner”

Support from Emmanuel Macron

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So much so that the government does not give instructions either. And even hesitates on the name of the minister called to sit on the bench. The Keeper of the Seals really wants it. But Franck Riester – who deals with relations with Parliament – ​​could represent the executive to simply deliver an opinion of wisdom. And therefore rely on the appreciation of the deputies with every chance that the text will be adopted.

“It will succeed during this five-year term”, assures us a macronist deputy. A minister regrets a ban “above all symbolic” and “without much progress for animal welfare”. Others worry about the political consequences: “If you want to comfort Ménard, Aliot and consort, you do that!”, gets carried away a member of the government.

Even on the left, there are fears. “The anti-bullfighting positions are oil for the National Rally”, castigates a socialist deputy. Clearly, a ban could participate in the rise of the RN, bullfighting being considered on the far right as an ancestral tradition.

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