The president of the Narbonne rugby club accused of sexual violence against his 8-year-old son is indicted

According to information from France Bleu Hérault, the indictment dates back to July. Gilles Belzons still denies the facts and accuses his ex-companion of manipulation.

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The president of the Narbonne rugby club who plays in Pro D2, Gilles Belzons, is indicted for incestuous sexual assault on his 8-year-old son, reports France Bleu Hérault on Sunday October 23. The indictment dates back to July. The former professional player denies the charges against him and accuses his ex-girlfriend of manipulation.

The investigation is therefore still in progress. The judge is due to deliver his findings in the coming weeks. Despite this indictment, France Bleu specifies that Gilles Belzons obtained on July 29, three weeks after the indictment, sole custody of his son. The civil party appealed this decision. The appeal will be considered next November. In the meantime, the child remains in foster care, where he has been placed since last December. His parents can see him for one hour, twice a month and under supervision.

The civil party also claims a judicial change of scenery – a transfer of the file to another jurisdiction – “because of the risk of collusion“, laments lawyer Myriam Guedj Benayoun.

The guard’s decision is also criticized by the president of the Monitoring Committee against gender-based and sexual violence. The association filed a civil action this summer. “This placement with the father while the instruction is not finished is abusive“says Emmanuelle Piet. The lawyers for the civil party have just filed a complaint against the former school of the son of Gilles Belzons for non-denunciation of facts. For the defense, on the other hand, the accusations do not hold.

As a reminder, Gilles Belzons is accused by his ex-spouse of sexual violence and rape on their 8-year-old son. Facts allegedly committed between 2018 and 2020. Information revealed by France Bleu Hérault last March. After a first complaint closed without further action in October 2020, the ex-girlfriend of the former player ends up filing a new complaint with civil action in February 2021. A judicial investigation is then opened by an investigating judge. Gilles Belzons is placed under the status of assisted witness for the facts with which he is charged. A status that changes this summer with the indictment of the latter for incestuous sexual assault. On the other hand, he retains the status of assisted witness for rape.

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