A study confirms the interest in a professional soccer club

On the strength of the results from the market study published yesterday, Soccer Québec and the Association régionale de soccer de Québec (ARSQ) are pumped up in their objective to provide the Old Capital with a team in the Canadian Premier League (PLC ).

Commissioned by the two organizations, the Léger market study revealed its conclusions yesterday. The results sound like music to the ears of ARSQ Director General Philippe Bernard.

“Among our 25,000 members, 96 per cent want a PLC team to come to Quebec,” he said. Very strong support was expected, but 96 per cent is a very heavy number. Nearly half (45 per cent) of the population aged 18-34 say they are soccer fans and 64 per cent of respondents say they are in favor of Quebec hosting a professional PLC team. The numbers give us the weight to pursue the next steps. It gives us ammunition. »

Founded in 2019, the PLC has eight teams and a ninth which will be added in Vancouver next year.

“A professional team in Quebec is what we need to complete the sports culture in soccer and to continue growth,” said Bernard. We want to create opportunities for our young people. There are 30 players from Quebec playing in the PLC who offer an excellent level of play.”

Specific mandate

The working committee set up will have the mandate to find the investors necessary for the take-off of the team.

“Richard Legendre is our champion within the committee, illustrated Bernard. He has experience as executive vice-president with the Impact and in the construction of the Saputo stadium, in addition to relying on numerous contacts in political circles. His presence further demonstrates the seriousness of our approach. »

A meeting between CF Montreal and Forge FC (PLC team), in the Canadian championship, in October 2021.

Photo archives, QMI Agency

A meeting between CF Montreal and Forge FC (PLC team), in the Canadian championship, in October 2021.

Bernard and Soccer Quebec want the future team to begin its activities in 2024.

“It comes quickly and we have to determine where we are going to play,” he said. There are three options being considered. We could bet on an existing stadium; modify a stadium or build a new one. The Halifax team plays in a modular stadium and attracts more than 5,000 fans per game. Construction times are quite short. Winnipeg, Hamilton and Edmonton play in CFL stadiums. »

6000 seat stadium

The PLC requires stadiums to have 6,000 seats. In Quebec, the only place that meets this criterion is the PEPS at Université Laval.

“It’s an option, said Bernard, but not the only one. »

PLC teams operate with a salary cap of 1.2 million for players and coaches and the costs of a franchise have increased significantly since debuting in 2019.

“Initially, the franchises cost three million, underlined the DG of the ARSQ. The cost has now doubled. The investment will come from the private sector. There have been discussions with partners and there is interest, otherwise we would not have commissioned a study. »

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