the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, considers the continuation of blockages after a majority agreement “unacceptable”

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Gabriel Attal judge “unacceptable the continuation of blockages, even though majority agreements have been found to increase wages” in the five TotalEnergies refineries. The Minister of Public Accounts spoke at the “Grand rendez-vous” Europe 1/CNews/The echoes, Sunday October 16. “Of course there is a right to strike, but at some point the country must also be able to function”he commented. “What is certain is that you have a few trade unionists who sometimes give the impression of sitting on the interests of millions of French people”said the Minister.

Whether an agreement on wage increases was reached overnight from Thursday to Friday with two majority unions, the CFDT and the CFE-CGC, the CGT intends to continue the movement until Tuesday, day of “mobilization and strike” interprofessional to which FO, Solidaires and the FSU also called. Follow our live.

27.3% of service stations “in difficulty”. On Saturday, 27.3% of the country’s service stations were considered “in difficulty”, that is to say affected by the rupture of at least one of their products, according to the Minister for Energy Transition, Agnès Pannier- Runacher, a slight improvement from the day before (28.5%). In the Ile-de-France region, this rate was much higher: 39.9%, and up by almost three percentage points.

“Punctual deliveries to Donges “to lighten the atmosphere”. Saturday, the movement was renewed by votes on the five sites of TotalEnergies in France. Punctual deliveries of fuel were however able to be made from Donges (Loire-Atlantique), on Saturday. “We opened these taps to relax the atmosphere. The objective is not to divide the French, to create tension, the objective is now to bring the French together around the same demand”, said Saturday Fabien Privé Saint-Lanne, CGT TotalEnergies secretary.

Carriers allowed on the roads to bail out stations. For the second weekend of mobilization, the carriers are allowed to circulate to bail out the dry stations. On franceinfo, Philippe Premat, president of a company transporting petroleum products, said he hoped that “by the end of the month, if there are no new events, it will be resolved”. As for the stations to be delivered in priority, it is not he who decides: “What tankers are trying to do today is to prioritize motorway stations (…) Then they try to prioritize where there are the biggest gaps to balance deliveries.”

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