Japan reopens its borders, China remains on its zero-Covid line

Restrictions are still important to fight Covid-19 in Asia. Some countries have decided to relax some of the measures, such as Japan, which has just reopened its borders. China is still on a hard line with a very firm zero-Covid policy.

In China, the zero-Covid policy again and again

China is still an exception in Asia. It remains the only country which has not reopened its borders and the quarantine is still in force for the few visa holders authorized to re-enter the country. However, there have been some relaxations this summer. The duration of the quarantine, which was two or three weeks depending on the location, has increased to ten days. Travelers now have the option of carrying out the last three days of isolation at home. Beijing has also allowed foreign students to return to China. Facilities are also granted to businessmen and expatriate families.

Despite these few reductions, the general rule does not change. Very few visas are granted, China remains closed to visitors and tourists, and the Chinese still do not have, except in exceptional cases, the possibility of going on vacation abroad.

In recent days, a rumor has been circulating insistently in financial circles that China may end quarantines for people arriving from abroad in December. But that seems hard to believe. This week the very official People’s Daily wrote that the zero covid policy was the “Good choice“, a sustainable policy that must not stop. Another not really encouraging sign: in Shanghai, the people newly recruited for the control of the epidemic have signed two-year employment contracts.

To find more flexibility, you have to go to Hong Kong. Hong Kong has returned to China, but retains its specificities. Travelers arriving from abroad no longer have a mandatory isolation period to complete at the hotel, only three days of “medical self-monitoring“, without restriction of movement. This development is a great relief for the business community of Hong Kong, which has seen the former British colony decline due to health restrictions, to the point of losing its status as the first financial center of Hong Kong. Asia, for the benefit of Singapore.

In Japan, borders are reopening to boost the economy

In Japan, the reopening of borders took effect on October 9. A decision motivated above all by economic considerations. “The measures decided aim to boost international trade and boost the social and economic activity of our country, while taking advantage of the advantage offered by the weakness of the yen.“, explains Seiji Kiharathe Deputy Secretary General of the Government.

A very low yen which invites foreign tourists to buy more. While Japan had welcomed a record 31 million foreign visitors in 2019 and thus collected 35 billion euros, the closing of borders has created an untenable shortfall. But the pandemic is leaving its mark. Now three doses of vaccine or a negative test are required. And the welcome in Japan is marked by a message upon arrival: “This is an important message for visitors to Japan. In order to enjoy your trip with peace of mind, you must take out private medical insurance that covers you sufficiently in the event of an emergency. Treatments in Japan can reach a very high amount.”

Citizens, media and authorities are also concerned that non-Japanese people will forget their masks. A law now authorizes accommodation establishments to refuse recalcitrant guests.

source site-14
