three employees of the TotalEnergies depot in Mardyck, near Dunkirk, were requisitioned

The three workers requisitioned must return to work from 2 p.m., for a period of 12 hours. According to the CGT, gendarmes came to the employees’ homes notifying them of the requisition order signed by the Nord prefecture.

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Three striking employees of the TotalEnergies fuel depot in Mardyck, near Dunkirk (North) were requisitioned on Thursday October 13, learned France Bleu Nord from the CGT. According to the site’s CGT delegate, Clément Mortier, gendarmes came to the employees’ homes in the morning, notifying them of the requisition order signed by the Nord prefecture. This requisition comes a few hours after the announcement of the continuation of the movement for a salary increase.

>>> Fuel shortage: follow the implementation of requisitions live

The three requisitioned workers must return to work from 2 p.m., for a period of 12 hours. Clément Mortier says to himself “outraged” by this situation. “Seeing the gendarmes at his home, in front of his family, young children, neighbors, is a trauma”, deplores the trade unionist. The CGT promises to challenge the prefectural decree in court. According to France Bleu Nord, about fifteen police officers took up position around the Flandres depot this Thursday morning.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne had already announced on Tuesday the requisition of the personnel of the fuel depots of the Esso-Exxonmobil group, where a salary agreement had been concluded on Monday by two trade union organizations, the majority at the level of the group but not of its refineries. An interministerial crisis unit was set up on Wednesday about the Mardyck depot and the government had indicated that another requisition order would be activated if the strike continued on this site.

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