the queen of england forced to rest

Let us immediately remove any ambiguity: this sick leave has nothing to do with the coronavirus. Just 95 years old, the hyperactive Elizabeth II has to be careful. Her doctors gave her no choice, they put her on forced rest. But the official speech insists: it is only “unwillingly“that the Queen has agreed to cancel her engagements (including a two-day visit to Northern Ireland) and to “take a break” at Windsor Castle.

The sovereign is still very active. To be convinced, just browse the Instagram account of the royal family: Elizabeth is on the move. Worse than a campaign candidate, she is everywhere, all the time! Monday, October 18 again, small video exchange with the new governor general of New Zealand who will represent her on the island.

Good evening … Oh no, it’s good morning for you!“A little mess in the time zones, it can happen. It must be said that in London it is 12 hours less than Wellington and an hour less than in Paris.

Elizabeth also regularly holds video hearings with ambassadors, on Tuesday she shook hands with a whole assembly of business leaders and international investors invited to Windsor. Without the cane we saw her with last week, but also without a mask. If she no longer travels abroad – where she is represented by her son Prince Charles – she takes part in many public events. Moreover, its presence at COP26, the UN climate conference in Glasgow in early November, is not called into question.

A British magazine offered to give it its prize this summer, “The Oldie of the Year” (“Oldie of the Year”): Politely but firmly, she declined.

On Tuesday, October 19, the magazine published its letter of refusal, its deputy private secretary wrote: “His Majesty thinks that we are of the age that we feel”. In other words, “in my head, I’m way too young for that”! Moreover, she who has never formulated a political opinion in public is starting to give up a little bit. In a private conversation last Thursday on the sidelines of a speech she expressed her irritation towards the leaders who “talk” a lot of climate change, but who “do not act” and who may not even come to COP26.

The Queen of England holds the record for longevity on the British throne. It will celebrate its 70th anniversary next year.

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