Pauline Ferrand-Prévot in girly mode: she swaps her cycling outfit for a superb evening outfit

Life is good for Pauline Ferrand-Prevot, who has just signed a two-year contract with the prestigious Ineos team. The four-time cross-country mountain bike world champion is one of the best cyclists of her generation and the last few months have proven it again with repeated victories. A very good period therefore for the young woman of 30 years who enjoys life, as she regularly shows on her social networks.

Followed by nearly 500,000 subscribers on her Instagram account, Pauline Ferrand-Prévot does not hesitate to share moments of her private life with her fans. Recently, she wanted to make things clear about her romantic situation and in particular her relationship with cyclist Mathis Azzaro. “I’m not in a relationship with Mat, because apparently it speaks a lot. It’s not because we get along really well with someone that we are in a relationship with (…) It’s just the little brother I never had”, she wrote a few weeks ago. A single status that seems to go perfectly with the sportswoman, who takes advantage of her freedom to offer herself sacred evenings, as she showed yesterday in her story.

Lovely in clothes from a big luxury brand

On a first selfie in front of the ice, the cyclist is all smiles in a beautiful black ensemble from Dolce & Gabbana. “Night out”, she writes in English, visibly very happy to be able to put on a nice outfit and forget about the bike a little. She then posted a photo of herself taken from above where you can see her outfit from another angle (photos can be found in the slideshow). The ex-girlfriend of Julien Absalon is a sportswoman full of humor and just after, she put a photo of her covered in mud during a cross-country race. “Slight contrast”she jokes in the comments on the photo.

Flirty, Pauline Ferrand-Prévot didn’t hesitate to put on a superb outfit for her evening outing and if she likes cycling suits, she is also very comfortable in an evening dress!

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