Indian army pays the price for Western sanctions against Moscow

The Indian army is a collateral victim of the economic sanctions taken against Russia. Moscow can no longer provide itself with semiconductors, computer components essential in the manufacture of weapons, on which the Asian country is very dependent.

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From fighter planes to tanks and simple rifles, more than two-thirds of Indian military equipment is of Russian origin. Western economic sanctions, introduced in response to the invasion of Ukraine, have caused a shortage of semiconductors, tiny computer components, essential in many military equipment. Enough to compromise the defense of India.

The country is Russia’s largest customer and the world’s largest arms importer. A great military dependence which is illustrated after more than seven months of war in Ukraine. “All semiconductors used by the Russian military are under Western sanctions, and Russia cannot produce them. So it affects deliveries to India of precision missiles or materials for fighter jets“, analyzes Pranay Kotasthane, deputy director of the Takshashila Institution, and director of the program on the geopolitics of new technologies.

“The only solution for India will be to diversify its arms suppliers”

Pranay Kotasthane, deputy director of the Takshashila Institution

France Info

According Pranay Kotasthane, the shortages are likely to last even after the end of the war because of the economic sanctions put in place by the West, in retaliation for the Russian invasion. Moscow began to supply itself in China, even on the black market. “Dthem options which are not acceptable for indian army“, estimates the deputy director of the Takshashila Institution.

New Delhi could then turn to the United States, its third arms seller. The world’s leading military power says it is ready to provide aid of 500 million euros to encourage India to buy more American equipment.

Shortage of semiconductors: the Indian army pays the price of Western sanctions against Moscow – the report by Sébastien Farcis

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