the trial of Airbus and Air France has opened



Article written by

J. Vitaline, T. Cuny, G. Le Goff, France 3 Paris-Ile-de-France, A. Da Silva – France 2

France Televisions

The trial of the Air France Rio-Paris flight disaster, which took place 13 years ago, off the coast of Brazil, opened on Monday, October 10. The crash killed 228 people.

After 13 years of legal battle, Corinne and Robert Soulas, who lost their daughter Caroline in the Rio-Paris plane crash in 2009, wanted to attend the opening of this historic trial at the Paris tribunal de grande instance, Monday, October 10. “We hope, in any case, that justice will be done, that is to say that the protagonists, Air France and Airbus, are found to be criminally responsible, and above all, that air safety is reinforced in such a way that don’t let it happen again”says Corinne Soulas.

The next nine weeks will be used to reestablish responsibilities in the crash of June 1, 2009. A trial eagerly awaited by the 476 civil parties, facing two aeronautics giants. After a dismissal in 2019, Airbus and Air France will be judged well for this disaster. The two companies are accused of having underestimated the seriousness of the failures of the Pitot probes, which calculate the speed of the devices, and of not having sufficiently trained the pilots in these risks. Failures that would have led to the accident, and the death of the 228 passengers.

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