the State will pay 150 euros per month to families who host refugees fleeing the conflict in France

This aid should concern between 5,000 and 12,000 families, according to the minister Delegate for the City and Housing, Olivier Klein.

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A “outpouring of spontaneous generosity” and one “major link in the management of the crisis and the reception of displaced persons”. Lhe Minister Delegate for Cities and Housing, Olivier Klein, paid tribute to the solidarity shown by the French families who are hosting Ukrainian refugees. The State will pay them financial aid of 150 euros per month, the minister announced on Wednesday 5 October. This “financial support”which according to the government should concern “5,000 to 12,000 families”, will cover “the period from April 1 to December 31, 2022” and will be paid “subject to having hosted such beneficiaries for at least 90 days”.

This is unprecedented financial aid for the reception and civic accommodation of exiled people, which has been demanded for a long time – especially since the Syrian migration crisis of 2015 – by associations helping displaced people. The Ministry of Towns and Housing specifies that the financial aid concerns people who welcome any beneficiary of the “temporary protection” granted by the European Union to people fleeing the war in Ukraine, “regardless of their nationality”.

“Households having agreed with the State and an association will be eligible by right for this support. The other households must receive certification from the local authority of the housing where the people are welcomed, in order to then be able to request this support. “, further specified the ministry.

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