Carte blanche by Mariana Mazza | Your reactions to “Guy! »

La Carte blanche by Mariana Mazza published on October 2, where she recounts her first – and last – meeting with Guy Lafleur, did not fail to make people react. Here is an overview of the emails received.

Posted at 12:00 p.m.

Natural complicity

There are those people whose complicity is natural, spontaneous and cherished in a simple exchange, a look, a smile, a laugh, a tabarnak playful. It’s often unexpected, an epiphany that marks us that we enjoy forever when we meet another exceptional being. There are those people who will not experience such a fusion, such a moment and it is a pity. For them, it will always remain a misunderstood second degree, an ignored human dimension. Thank you for this text.

Gaston M. Cote

Stay as you are

You stayed yourself! Don’t worry, there will always be pros and cons. It’s annoying, someone who is himself meeting a legend. Guy Lafleur was my hero, he gave everything to his fans, but also to the CH, who disrespected him. So stay as you are! Note that I don’t like to hear you curse, but I prefer your “daring” side even better. Stay as you are, my dear!

Monique Villeneuve, Quebec

Guy the indulgent

Poor Mariana: sensitive, intelligent, but still not classy. You can find charm to swear without a filter, but it can’t work with everyone. You were lucky to meet the indulgent guy.

Gilles Julien

Like two good friends

Witnessing your meeting with Guy Lafleur, I thought: it looks like an exchange between two good friends who can say almost anything to each other without being offended. I admit that sometimes you go beyond my understanding, being rather shy, but I like you.

Carmen Hamelin

guy was sincere

Me, I don’t like Mariana’s humor, but I’m sure that Guy was sincere and that he would have loved to attend her show. And me, I liked Guy, his great qualities and his faults. It is sure that I will see Mariana with a more tender eye. And who knows, maybe the humor will take me…

Claude Lussier

to imitate

What a beautiful text, you have a lot of humanity, and a high sense of respect to imitate tirelessly.

Daniele Tessier

I shed a tear

Thank you, beautiful Mariana, you made me shed a tear. I wanted to say thank you, because you are a true and pure person, who is not driven by hatred! I love you so much.

Chantal Larouche

Outstanding connection

wow! I confess that I have not seen the broadcast of TLMEP, but sometimes, it only takes a moment between two people to realize an exceptional connection. This connection is rare. Not everyone sees it. Often it happens between two individuals who have nothing in common. So much the better if the family of our hockey idol realized this connection. A very beautiful moment shared by Mariana.

Monique LePage

I like you

Dear so beautiful person. I love you for everything you give off: the beautiful, the good, the excessive, the very sweet, the freshness, the spontaneity, the immense heart. Yes, I love you.

Nicole Leclerc, 74 years old

so much emotion

I am always so touched by Mariana’s texts. She is so simple in her words that it becomes disconcerting to feel so much emotion, serenity and peaceful moments while reading her texts. She expresses with such generosity the essential moments of life that help us to be better despite the prejudices and the reactions of gratuitous nastiness caused by the incomprehension of some people unable to move on to another level, that of welcoming. without judgement. Thank you for posting Mariana and thank you especially to her for being so true and transparent.

Anne-Marie Couture

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