Death of Bernard Tapie, his wife Dominique ruined 1 year later: his new life with 800 euros per month

This is the double penalty for Dominique Tapie. In addition to having lost on October 3, 2021, exactly one year ago, the man of her life and father of her children Laurent and Sophie, the wife of the businessman who died at 78 of cancer. must face a catastrophic financial situation. Being involved in the company of her late husband, she must repay the colossal debt of 600 million euros!

Indeed, Dominique Tapie, born Mialet-Damianos, is jointly and severally liable for the reimbursement of the conviction that Bernard Tapie received in the context of the dispute with Crédit Lyonnais. This is how she must now pay 403 million euros but that’s not all. Daily penalties were added to this amount, owes 80,000 euros per day, which is equivalent today to 200 million additional costs. To cope with this situation, all the assets of the Tapie couple were sold: the private mansion in Paris (80 million euros), the house in Saint-Tropez (82 million), the 89% of the shares of the newspaper Provence (81 million) and life insurance (120 million). The widow also had to resell the apartments she had inherited from her own family.

The situation has not yet become healthy because the penalties remain. While waiting for justice to rule on this question and authorize, or not, a postage at the request of the family, Dominique Tapie continues to tighten his belt. According to information from BFMTV, she parted with all her valuables, such as handbags and scarves, and lives on 800 euros per month pension. To find accommodation, she was able to count on the support of the couple’s friend Jean-Louis Borloo. He rents a two-room apartment for her in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. Her children help her with day-to-day expenses and will take over from the former minister to house her.

The relatives of the widow of Bernard Tapie, however, assure BFMTV that despite the complex situation, she has kept all her dignity and only aspires to remain quiet, to mourn and continue to move forward, keeping the memory of her husband. His daughter Sophie has just shared for this sad birthday on her Instagram account a photo filled with tender nostalgia with her dad. She also republished beautiful tributes that were paid to the one who was a beloved OM boss, in particular that of Louis, grandson of the Boss.

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