a good plan for everyone

A person over 60 rents a room to a young person under 30 in exchange for a small rent or even free of charge in certain cases, but also against minor services: taking out the garbage, feeding a pet company, close the shutters, run an errand…all those little things that sometimes become difficult to do when you’re alone, especially.

The principle of a contract to avoid misunderstandings

For example, if you go through the Ensemble2Générations association which has just opened a branch in La Rochelle, you will be offered two formulas. One where accommodation is downright free but the young person will be required to be present almost continuously, and the other less restrictive with a rent of 150 euros (this is the amount capped by the association) in exchange for some services and minimal attendance. But each intermediary has its own framework.

No need to be a landlord to rent a room at home

This is another advantage of this system: you can also be a tenant in your traditional accommodation or in a low-rent accommodation, you just have to notify your landlord. Another significant advantage: the young person who rents is entitled to APL, the same goes for the elderly person and the income is not even taxable!

Very attractive prices

The average is between 30 and 50% less expensive than for the price of a studio for example… After that it’s case by case, sometimes I told you it’s even free!

Going through a trusted third party is an additional guarantee for both parties… with a real contract and support so that this project of shared life, temporary, is successful… In Rennes, for example, the association “la maison en ville” is very active, like a ROOF at my place in Strasbourg or Nancy, or LIEN in Caen..

Professionals who often recall the rules of the game

This cohabitation is not made for a young person or a student who likes to party every night, in the same way there is no question for him of replacing a carer or a nurse…

In any case, if you are interested, contact the national networks who will be able to direct you to the schemes near you: Ensemble 2 generations or the COHABILIS network.

Do you know a way to save money, or earn more money? Contact Valère Corréard.

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