the dull anger of a whole profession


France 2

Article written by

F. Mathieux, F. Blévis, B. Bervas – France 2

France Televisions

The anger of the midwives roars. Since the start of the year, they have taken to the streets six times to demand better working conditions, better wages and additional staff.

A new national midwifery strike is due to take place in the week of November 22. Florence Matthieux and Fabienne Blévisse, two journalists from France Télévisions, spent the day with one of them. On the walls of the maternity ward of the Nord-Essonne d’Orsay hospital group, anger is felt. Since the beginning of the year, the midwives have already gone on strike six times. Despite everything, they continue to work. “You have to spend time with the mothers, talk to them. They have low morale at 3 a.m.“, explains Oriane Jactard.

She lacks time to accomplish all the activities of her day: giving birth to several women, examining future mothers and counseling those who have just become one. The days on call last 12 hours minimum. One of her colleagues, who graduated three years ago, does not know if she will continue in this branch. She already feels tired. All the rooms are occupied, the work must be done efficiently to make room for future mothers.


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