the former Minister of the Interior and close to Brigitte Macron announces that he has cancer at the age of 75

He was one of the first pillars of Macronie during Emmanuel Macron’s first term and even during the crazy race at the Élysée in 2017. At 75, Gérard Collomb has just announced that he has cancer of the ‘stomach. “Last Monday I learned that I had stomach cancer. I will fight against the disease with the same energy that I had put in the service of Lyon, of our Metropolis when I exercised the functions of mayor and president.”, he wrote from his Twitter account. A publication immediately followed by messages of support: “Mr. Collomb, I send you all my best wishes for a speedy recovery.”, “Full of courage to you Mr. Collomb in this fight against the disease.”, “All my best wishes for recovery dear Gérard! We know what pugnacity you are capable of. With you. Friendship.“.

Former member of the plural left, he had joined the ranks of Emmanuel Macron when the latter made the bet to reshuffle the cards of the political game in 2016. On May 17, 2017, after the election of the former minister of François Hollande , Gérard Collomb is appointed Minister of State, Minister of the Interior in the Édouard Philippe government. He is second in the protocol order of the new government.

During this period, Gérard Collomb will become considerably closer to Brigitte Macron who will even affectionately call him “Gégé”. However, their friendship will quickly be blurred by disputes, particularly family ones. Tensions would have arisen with Caroline, the wife of the former mayor of Lyon. And the latter would also have attacked Tiphaine Auzière, daughter of the First Lady. Emmanuel Macron’s daughter-in-law would have sought help from the establishment’s staff for her baby, which would have deeply displeased the Minister of the Interior at the time. “Collomb learned it […] and he didn’t particularly like it, especially since he didn’t receive a word of thanks in return”we learn in the columns of Vanity Fair.


See also: Emmanuel Macron: why does his daughter-in-law Tiphaine consider him a “crazy”?

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