The justice system is “at the end of its rope”, claims the Bar

In the midst of the election campaign, the Barreau du Québec urges political parties “to make justice a real societal priority” and demands that the budget allocated to it be doubled.

Posted at 5:09 p.m.

Alice Girard-Bosse

Alice Girard-Bosse
The Press

“The citizens of Quebec all deserve, without exception, to have access to justice when they need it,” said Ms.e Catherine Claveau, president of Quebec.

The Bar is asking that the budget allocated to justice be increased from 1.1% of the total Quebec budget to 2.2%. The amounts would make it possible to implement an action plan.

Goals ? Modernize justice and make it more accessible. “Our justice system has reached its limits and presents alarming risks of slippage or disruption of services,” insists President Claveau.

The Bar recalls that last May, a judge was forced to apologize to an 87-year-old senior victim of a violent robbery, after having been forced to postpone the trial of the accused due to the lack of clerks. In addition, a citizen had to wait more than three years before being able to go to small claims for an unpaid bill.

“The neglect of justice over time and the underestimated effects of such neglect of respect for citizens’ rights have pushed the justice system to the limit. We must react and reposition justice without delay,” said Claveau.

Priority actions

The Bar asks that certain actions be prioritized by the government. In particular, it proposes that lawyers’ fees and court costs be tax deductible. “These deductions would allow, especially middle-class citizens, to have recourse to the services of a lawyer in order to assert their rights effectively”, indicates the Order.

The Bar is also asking for a major investment to allow Aboriginal communities to be more autonomous in matters of justice. It also calls for the complete digital transformation of the justice system.

“Justice is an essential service for the proper functioning of a democratic society and must be treated as such by our political leaders,” concluded Barrister Claveau.

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