a mixed start to the campaign

The seasonal flu vaccination campaign takes a new step on Monday, November 22. All French people will be able to be vaccinated. According to the first figures provided to franceinfo by the Order of Pharmacists, the start of the campaign is mixed. The president of the union of general practitioners MG France Jacques Battistoni reminds on franceinfo that there is “no danger” to be vaccinated against the flu and against Covid-19 at the same time. In particular, he calls on the elderly and the most fragile to be vaccinated against the flu to “avoid going to the hospital for a complication”.

For the past month, only the 15 million priority people could be vaccinated (over 65s, pregnant women, patients suffering from serious pathology), upon presentation of their vital card. As of November 19, 5.6 million influenza vaccines have been withdrawn free of charge from pharmacies, including 4.7 million for those over 65 years of age. These figures are a little below reality because they do not take into account the patients who, arrived at the pharmacy, had forgotten their vital card and to whom the vaccine was nevertheless given.

“This year, we saw a rebound” colds and nasopharyngitis, so one might wonder “if the flu is not going to be stronger” she, too, fears Jacques Battistoni.

“You never know the strength of a flu epidemic in advance.”

Jacques Battistoni, president of the union of general practitioners MG France

to franceinfo

“There is a strong flu epidemic every 10 years or so and then for a few years it calms down afterwards., explains the doctor. Last year, there were indeed few influenza, as there was extremely little nasopharyngitis or colds. This is certainly the effect of the barrier measures. “

In any case, this is about a million less than last year, because in 2020, 6.7 million influenza vaccines were withdrawn from pharmacies by priority people at the same time. On the other hand, if we compare with a “normal” year (excluding pandemic), 600,000 more people were vaccinated against influenza this year compared to 2019, where at the same time, five million priority people had withdrawn. the vaccine in pharmacies, according to figures from the Order of Pharmacists.

In 2021, at the end of November, the flu epidemic has not yet started. From Monday, November 22, all French people can be vaccinated against the flu for ten euros. They will be able to receive the injection by doctors, nurses, midwives, or in pharmacies by the pharmacist and now by the pharmacy technician.

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