1-0 win against Reims at the Stadium

After three consecutive defeats, the Toulouse Football Club had to reverse the trend this Sunday, September 11. And it is successful: 1-0 against Stade de Reimssigning the first home victory for Tef for their return to Ligue 1.

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The Moroccan rookie of the Violets, Zakaria Aboukhlal opens the scoring in the 31st minute of play and free our Toulouse residents! In the 71st, it was another rookie this season, Veljko Birmancevic, who took his first steps at the Stadium. The brand new Serbian rookie even faced the Reims goal on several occasions, without however materializing.

The next TFC match will be a trip next Saturday, at 9 p.m., to LOSC. A meeting to follow of course in full on France Bleu Occitanie.

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