Adams son serene on his return to Montreal

Vernon Adams Jr. is not in the spirit of revenge when he comes to Montreal for the game that the BC Lions will play against the Alouettes on Friday at Percival-Molson Stadium.

The man who had become the organization’s No. 2 in the second quarter of the second game of the season, after he was clearly identified as the Alouettes’ No. 1 quarterback (4-7) at camp, comes here without resentment towards the Montreal club or his former teammates.

“I definitely want to get the win, help the team accomplish that,” he said Thursday, as the Lions (8-2) had just dropped off their bags at a downtown hotel. But I have no resentment towards the guys in this locker room.

“There’s a bit of nervousness, a bit of everything,” he added of Friday’s game. This is where I started my career. It’s extraordinary and bizarre at the same time. But in the end, we are here to reap the victory. »

Head coach Rick Campbell has listed him as a substitute for Antonio Pipkin in his roster for the 7:30 p.m. game. But Adams will see action.

“They told me they were planning to play me, to get me ready. They don’t want to put the team or myself in a bad position. But I’m ready. »

Ready, but not completely, admitted the 29-year-old footballer, who has had just four training sessions to familiarize himself with his new playbook.

“I’m not 100% confident in this system, but I would say over 80%. The other shifts did a great job helping me learn the playbook. I will continue to work. »

back in time

Nothing seemed to destine Adams to take the road to Vancouver. It was an open secret that his time was running out in Montreal following his demotion, but with Nathan Rourke enjoying a season worthy of an MVP award, the Lions weren’t much fuel for Adams rumors. .

Then disaster strikes: Rourke suffered a foot injury a few weeks ago. The surgery should keep him out for the rest of the season. To make matters worse, the Lions lost Michael O’Connor, his substitute, the following week.

The Lions then gave up a first-round pick in the next draft to the Alouettes in order to get their hands on Adams.

“The circle is complete: I was on their list of negotiators, they exchanged me [aux Alouettes] against a first-round pick; seven years later, they returned the first-round pick to Montreal to obtain my services, ”said Adams, who knows full well that the next few weeks will be crucial for the rest of his career.

“Yes, these last eight games and the playoffs will be important to prove that I can be a starter in this league again. I will do my best to get victories. One game at a time. »


Even if in fact, the Lions offense is coming to Montreal with its quarterbacks Nos. 3 and 4, the team is confident.

“It’s a big piece that we lost, but I have great confidence in the rest of the attack, assured the former Alouette David Ménard. Our ground game is good, we have confidence in [James] Butler is a great running back. Our aerial game is good. It is certain the quarterbacks who are with us this week are not Nathan, but from what we saw in training, it was going very well. I’m not worried. »

“That will be the challenge for the rest of the season,” said Mathieu Betts. But I can’t remember a season in the CFL since I’ve been in the league where a quarterback has played the full season. Nathan has had a stellar season whether he returns or not. But now it’s up to the next one to do the job, whether it’s Antonio Pipkin, Vernon Adams or Michael O’Connor. It’s not a player who wins a team; it is up to us to do our job. »

If they want to win, the Alouettes will also have to keep an eye on the two Quebec defensive linemen. Betts leads the Lions with seven sacks, while Ménard, used in rotation with his compatriot, has four.

“I hope to do one or two tomorrow, admitted Ménard. That’s always the goal. »

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