Duralex shut down due to soaring prices




Article written by

M. Damoy, S. Feydel, A. Sylvain, V. Bouffartigue, M. Peignier, C. Berbett-Justice, France 3 Center Val de Loire – France 2

France Televisions

With an energy bill multiplied by 18, the Duralex plant in Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin (Loiret) is forced to put its 250 employees on partial unemployment for several months.

In its history, Duralex has faced obstacles but the company has never broken down. In Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin (Loiret), the 250 employees of the company will be on partial unemployment from November until February 2023. The fault of the price of energy which caused the company’s bill to jump. It has been multiplied by 18. In normal times, energy represents 5% of the group’s turnover, today it could reach 50%. An untenable situation.

“It’s a situation that we would have liked to avoid, but unfortunately, we have no other solution.worries Manuel De Carvahlo, an employee of Duralex. We will prepare for the recovery.” A meeting is scheduled for September 14 which will focus, in particular, on the issue of wages paid to employees during this period. Since August 1, the law indicates that they must receive 72% of their net salary. For its part, management, powerless, assumes this choice to save the company. “We will try to hold the company in order to pass this test and we hope that at the beginning of the year the prices will be reborn and that we can restart”says François Marciano, director of the site.

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