up to 400,000 spectators expected for liftoff to the Moon

The liftoff of the mega-rocket is scheduled for 2 p.m.h5 p.m. local time Saturday, from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida (United States). It will remain possible during the next two hours if necessary.

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A spectacular event. The takeoff of the mega-rocket of the Artemis mission to the Moon, Saturday, September 3, could attract up to 400,000 people, according to local authorities. The SLS rocket, for the Artemis 1 mission, is the most powerful rocket ever built by NASA.

Liftoff is scheduled for 2:17 p.m. local time from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida (United States), but it will remain possible during the following two hours if necessary. The Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral is closed to the public, but spectators will be able to see the rocket soar through the sky and hear its roar especially from the surrounding beaches.

The total number of tourists who made the trip could “double” this weekend, Brevard County official Don Walker told AFP. “We estimate the crowd for the launch to be between 200,000 and 400,000 people”, did he declare. Hotels on the coast have been full for several weeks.

On Monday, a first launch attempt was canceled at the last moment due to technical problems. The local authorities then expected 100,000 to 200,000 visitors.

The Artemis 1 mission is a test flight, without an astronaut on board. The rocket-powered Orion capsule will spend about six weeks in space, venturing up to 64,000 km behind the Moon, farther than any other habitable craft so far.

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