This completely crazy video shows the former president of Argentina victim of an assassination attempt and turns all over the Web!

The former president of Argentina (2007-2015) Cristina Kirchner, narrowly escaped death on Thursday evening as she returned home to Buenos Aires. Currently on trial for “fraud and corruption”, the politician has been welcomed for two weeks by a support committee, at the foot of her home, in the Recoleta district of the capital. That evening, she approached her supporters to sign a few autographs, exchange a few words, and smile a few times.

The chilling images of a failed attack

In the middle of the crowd on September 1, a man with a gun slipped in and aimed his gun at her and fired, unsuccessfully. The chilling images shot a few meters from the victim have already gone around the world, on social networks. We see a hand stretching a weapon towards the face of Cristina Kirchner without any bullet leaving. A miracle, according to the current head of state, who commented on September 1: “Cristina is alive, because for a reason that has not yet been technically confirmed, the weapon that contained five bullets did not fire despite having been triggered”.

>> See also: Patrick Bruel: these “given places” which almost cost the death of his children!

Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez announced a few hours after this failed attack that this Friday would be “national holiday”in order to “that in peace and harmony the Argentine people can express themselves in defense of life, of democracy, and in solidarity with our vice-president”.

Who wants the skin of Cristina Kirchner?

According to several Argentine media, the suspect was taken away immediately after the assassination attempt by the police, in a police car parked in a nearby street. According to the first elements, he would be in his thirties, and would be of Brazilian nationality. His motives are not yet known. The perimeter was quickly cordoned off, around Cristina Kirchner’s home, with the tapes mentioning “crime scene”.


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