The France Bleu Provence Hike in Saint-Chamas

On Sunday September 11, France Bleu Provence and the Bouches-du-Rhône Departmental Committee of the French Hiking Federation invite you to the fourth edition of the Rando France Bleu, open to everyone.

With friends or family, whatever your level of practice, discover Saint-Chamas thanks to France Blue Provence and the Bouches-du-Rhône Departmental Committee of the French Hiking Federation, with the participation of volunteers from local hiking clubs. The opportunity also to discover hiking – an activity more than ever in tune with the times -, to share a moment of conviviality and to keep in shape gently.

The many facets of Saint-Chamas will be offered to you throughout this hike, whether in edge of Touloubre, along the Etang de Berre, in its scrubland or its alleys. In addition, Saint-Chamas enjoys a exceptional heritage with the Flavian bridge, the only Roman bridge in the world to have kept its arches, the Contagious washhouse or the clock bridge.

Get your invitations in one click

To participate in this hike (free and only on registration) of 10 km lasting 3 hours, click on the Helloasso link and register for free. Several departures will be staggered between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. Sunday September 11.

Share your photos on social networks with the hashtag #RandoFranceBleu

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