“This year, more than ever, birds are affected by global warming”, explains Allain Bougrain-Dubourg

New consequence of the drought: at the pond of Capestang, in the Hérault, more than 500 birds were found dead. They are mainly ducks, victims of botulism. The disease is caught by a bacterium which develops in stagnant water. “One of the consequences of climate change”explains Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, president of the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO).

franceinfo: Has this phenomenon been spotted elsewhere than in Hérault?

Allain Bougrain-Dubourg: Yes, unfortunately, this is not a scoop. It is quite common at this time of year, after the hot weather. There has been a considerable water deficit, and botulinum toxin is developing in particular due to low oxygenation. The consequences have been well described: the birds are paralyzed, some have their heads fall into the water and they drown in this way. It’s a painful time for wildlife that really doesn’t need it. It is also the consequence of climate change which favors this kind of pathologies.

Is it a disease that spreads quickly?

I’ll be honest: botulism currently doesn’t worry me too much. On the other hand, I am panicked by the bird flu which affects seabirds in particular. Nearly half of the gannet population in the Sept-Îles reserve (Côtes-d’Armor) are affected. We also found contaminated gulls on the island of Oléron or vultures in the Cévennes. Yesterday evening I addressed an opinion to the Minister of Agriculture who is in charge of this question. I have no answer at the time when I speak to you. I regret.

“We will find ourselves in front of corpses which will be more and more numerous.”

Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, president of the bird protection league

at franceinfo

You have to know how to do it. We cannot collect the birds to bring them to care centers, because they would contaminate all those currently kept in our centers. It’s extremely complex but it’s unbearable to let the birds die like that.

Have you noticed any other direct consequences of the drought and heat wave on birds this summer?

Yes, we saw it in June. The black swifts, which nest under the tiles, can no longer tolerate heat which can reach over 40 degrees. The young are forced to throw themselves into the void when they don’t have their plumage yet… We have recovered hundreds and hundreds of birds. This year, more than ever, birds are affected by global warming.

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