an investigation opened after death threats against the imam’s lawyer

Since the announcement by Gérald Darmanin of his desire to expel the imam, the lawyer has suffered a “surge of hatred and insults”, according to his advice.

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The Paris prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation after death threats against the lawyer of Imam Hassan Iquioussen, whose expulsion the Minister of the Interior is calling for incitement to hatred, franceinfo learned on Wednesday August 24 from sources. consistent. The Personal Delinquency Repression Brigade (BRDP) of the Paris judicial police has been seized of the investigations.

“Since the announcement via Twitter by Gérald Darmanin of the desire of the Ministry of the Interior to expel Mr. Iquioussen, our colleague has personally been the target of an odious outpouring of hatred and insults simply because of her quality as lawyer”, write the lawyers of Maître Lucie Simon in a press release. One of the lawyers told franceinfo that he had counted around twenty threats, of rape or death, on social networks but also by mail, email or telephone.

The Paris administrative court had suspended Beauvau’s request on August 5, considering that the expulsion of Imam Iquioussen, 57 years old and born in France but of Moroccan nationality, would cause “disproportionate damage” to his “life private and family. The Council of State must examine the appeal of the Ministry of the Interior this Friday.

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