Love is in the meadow: A contender for Sébastien blurred, the production reveals why

It’s go again ! Monday evening, the new and 17th season of Love is in the meadow made a comeback with the first speed-datings. Four candidates have already been able to make their choices, including Sebastiana 35-year-old Corsican pig breeder who is also a butcher and castanéiculturist.

By participating in the romantic issue of M6, Sébastien had every intention of falling on the rare pearl. The one with whom he can start a family and even marry. In any case, he was spoiled for choice when he met his suitors, he who brought no less than 10 women, which is the maximum authorized by production. During editing, it was then impossible to reveal each of the dates. There is even one in particular that has been totally overlooked. Indeed, the televiewers will not have had the occasion to follow the appointment of the farmer with a woman, whose face has been blurred. As we could have guessed from the start, she was not chosen to continue the adventure at his side, which could explain this mounting effect.

Contacted by, M6, for its part, simply explained that this person had asked not to appear in the image and that his identity be kept secret. “The production respected the choice of the contender“, we added internally.

It is therefore not for her that Sébastien fell in love. However, the experience was far from disappointing because the charming brunette made two very promising encounters. He first had a weakness for Léa, a 27-year-old Alsatian caregiver. Completely under the spell and upset by her speed-dating, the young woman even left in tears. Sébastien also chose to invite Perrine, administrative manager in the North and amateur singer, to his home on the farm. The farmer was very impressed by his contender, especially by her beauty and her smile. He admitted that she had “all the criteria he liked“. Karine Le Marchand saw it there “a thunderbolt“.

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