Stéphane Bern broken by the death of his brother: his companion Yori “gives him strength”

Is this a blanket he’s going to regret again? Stéphane Bern appears on the front page of Paris Match, in the company of her lover Yori Baillères. A few years ago, he had done the same with Lionel, but this overmediatization had then cost him his marriage… Pacsé and madly in love with his companion, the 58-year-old animator does not care and takes all the risks, he who has known enough dramas like that in recent months.

Indeed, Stéphane Bern had the misfortune to lose his father, Louis, in February 2022. A death that had touched his heart, the host paying him a vibrant tribute. But fate then bent on his clan since the presenter of Secrets of History also said goodbye to his adored brother, Armand, who died at the beginning of August. The latter died at the age of 59, taken away by illness after a long fight against melanoma. “I must admit that this year has been very tough… Armand was my last link with childhood, the last with which I could share my memories“, confides the facilitator.

Faced with this double drama, he was able to count on the comforting presence of Yori by his side, they who share a common roof at the royal and military college of Thiron-Gardais in Perche; the animator left Paris and sold his furniture at auction. “Without him, I would crumble. It gives me strength. Yori is the call of life“, adds Stéphane Bern. Nice words for the one he willingly describes as the man of his life.

With the death of his brother – described in a tender Instagram message as “modest and modest, humble and silent, but terribly sensitivee “-, the host sees his clan shrinking. But he still has his sister-in-law before his nieces and nephew. For them, he wants to be present, available, caring almost like a second father. “When my youngest niece gets married, I’ll walk her down the aisle“, he confides with emotion.

The full confidences of Stéphane Bern are to be found in the magazine Paris Matchedition of Thursday, August 18, 2022.

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