Everyone out at Lac de Vassivière

France Bleu Limousin continues its summer tour as part of its program “Everyone outside” and sets up its studios at Lake Vassivière. With its 47 kms of jagged shores and more than 1000 hectares of clear, limpid waters emerging from the bowels of the Plateau de Millevaches, Lake Vassivière offers you timeless landscapes, preserved spaces as far as the eye can see to live the adventure, on water like in nature. In terms of sports activities, you will not be disappointed: sailing school, canoeing, stand up paddle, windsurfing, wake boarding, water skiing, open water swimming, fishing, hiking, everything is possible in Vassivière! Many activities and events take place throughout the summer, the complete agenda can be found on the website of the Lac de Vassivière tourist office.

Sandrine Bordier coordinator of the “words of storytellers” festival and Stéphane Martin treasurer of the association “Conte en Creuse”, accompanied by Hugo. The storytelling festival, from August 19 to 27 in Auphelle. All the info: www.paroles-conteurs.org

Sandrine Bordier and Stéphane Martin (accompanied by Hugo) present the festival “words of storytellers”
Stephane PIGATO

Jean Charles Vincent manager of Trot’z ride which offers scooter rides around Lake Vassivière. 3 routes: On the island of Vassivière, on the path of the beaches and the path of the poets. All information on www.trotz-ride.fr

Jean Charles Vincent manager of Trot'z ride to discover Lake Vassivière and its surroundings differently.  In soft mobility!!!
Jean Charles Vincent manager of Trot’z ride to discover Lake Vassivière and its surroundings differently. In soft mobility!!!
Stephane PIGATO

Michaella Assolent in charge of the public at the international center for art and landscape, which offers children’s workshops and an exhibition throughout the summer. The program to consult on www.ciapiledevassiviere.com

Beautiful exhibitions and workshops for children offered by the International Center for Art and Landscape
Beautiful exhibitions and workshops for children offered by the International Center for Art and Landscape
Stephane PIGATO

Pierre Pommeret director of the Haute Vienne Fishing Federation. He tells us about the 10 species of fish and shellfish that you can find at Lac de Vassivière. Fishing activities are offered throughout the summer by the fishing federation. www.federation-peche87.com

Lake Vassivière is also one of the most beautiful fishing spots in the region for enthusiasts.
Lake Vassivière is also one of the most beautiful fishing spots in the region for enthusiasts.
Stephane PIGATO

Jackie Braye president of the Haute-Vienne Hiking Federation and coordinator of the Rando France Bleu on September 11 in Vassivière.

Jackie Braye from the Haute-Vienne hiking federation takes us on a walk and tells us about the France Bleu hike on September 11th
Jackie Braye from the Haute-Vienne hiking federation takes us on a walk and tells us about the France Bleu hike on September 11th
Stephane PIGATO

Stéphane Tartaud Head of lifeguards and shuttle boat drivers at the Syndicat Lac de Vassivière, accompanied by Pauline, lifeguard. Another way to discover the lake from the water.

Stéphane and Pauline take care of the safety of visitors to Lake Vassivière.
Stéphane and Pauline take care of the safety of visitors to Lake Vassivière.
Stephane PIGATO

Anne-Sophie UIJTTEWAAL and the Gueules Sèches who, after their American tour in July, will brighten up the farmers’ market on the beach at Vauveix this Thursday, August 11. The dry mouths who continue their 100th anniversary tour in Limousin in partnership with France Bleu. All dates on www.gueules-seches.com

Anne-Sophie and the dry mouths freshly returned from the USA, in concert on the beach of Vauveix before continuing their 100th anniversary tour
Anne-Sophie and the dry mouths freshly returned from the USA, in concert on the beach of Vauveix before continuing their 100th anniversary tour
Stephane PIGATO

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