Amnesty International regrets the ‘anger’ caused by its controversial report on kyiv’s military tactics

The British NGO stresses that Russia is “solely responsible for the violations it has committed against Ukrainian civilians”.

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The NGO Amnesty International announces Sunday August 7 to regret deep distress and anger” aroused by a report published Thursday, accusing the Ukrainian armed forces of endangering civilians. The NGO reaffirms maintaining “fully” its conclusions, but regrets “the pain caused”. She recalls that her priority “in this conflict as in any other, is to ensure that civilians are protected”, continued the NGO.

The British NGO defended itself from considering the Ukrainian forces “responsible for violations committed by Russian forces”. “Russia is solely responsible for the violations it committed against Ukrainian civilians.”insists Amnesty International, replying to the Ukrainian president.

Volodymyr Zelensky went so far as to accuse the NGO of “attempt to grant amnesty to the terrorist state” Russian, putting “the victim and the aggressor in some way on an equal footing”. Amnesty International’s head of Ukraine, Oksana Pokaltchouk, has resigned from his post on Saturday, accusing the file of having unwittingly served “Russian propaganda”.

In its report published after a four-month investigation, Amnesty International accused the Ukrainian army of establishing military bases in schools and hospitals. Ukraine is also accused of launching attacks from populated areas, a tactic it says violates international humanitarian law.

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